NON-EMERGENCY (201) 915-1300
Sheriff's Sale scheduled for March 27, 2025, has been adjourned to April 10, 2025.
Monday-Friday - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday - Closed
Closed on federally observed holidays.
Hudson Plaza
257 Cornelison Avenue
Room 2001
Jersey City, NJ 07302.
(201) 795-6300
Ext. 7233 or Ext. 7312
Foreclosure Sales are conducted on Thursdays, twice a month, at 2:00 pm.
For foreclosure sale listings, click here.
Foreclosure Sales are held in Room 400 at the Hudson County Administration Building at 595 Newark Avenue in Jersey City, N.J. 07306.
All sales will begin promptly when the doors close at 2:00 pm.
Due to minimal parking in the area, we recommend arriving early.
Foreclosure sales are currently scheduled for the following dates in 2025:​
Amended 01/11/2023
Sale Registration begins at 1 PM and ends promptly at 2 PM, at the start of the Sale. No one is allowed on the 4th Floor BEFORE 1 PM. Any sales not completed by 4:30 PM may be adjourned to the next sale date.
Each property is sold subject to restrictions of record which are unknown to the Sheriff at this time and subject to any unpaid taxes and water, sewer bills or assessments, and such state of facts as an accurate survey and physical inspection of the premises may reveal.
The highest bidder at the sale shall be the purchaser. If any dispute arises as to who may be the highest bidder, the property will be resold. All sale discrepancies will be decided by the Sheriff's Office.
Successful bidders are required to post a minimum deposit of 20% of your total bid price in the form of a Certified or Cashier's check IMMEDIATELY after the close of the sale. NO CASH, CREDIT CARDS, COMPANY, AGENCY, TRUST, OR PERSONAL CHECKS will be accepted. Certified or Cashier's Bank Checks cannot be older than 90 days from the date of issue.
First-time foreclosure sale property buyers will be required to pay on the spot the required minimum 20% deposit with certified or cashier's bank checks at the conclusion of that particular property's sale.
The balance of the bid price is due and payable between the 11th and 30th day after a sale. The 2024 Lawful Interest of 5.5% is charged on any unpaid balance due, starting the 11th day after a sale, until the balance is paid. You cannot pay the balance, nor are you charged interest for the first ten days AFTER a sale because this is known as the defendant's "Right of Redemption" period.
The Hudson County Sheriff's Office only handles county-wide Foreclosure Sales (real property) and Chattel Sales (not real property). Property Tax Sales are auctioned by each individual town's tax office.
If you purchase personal property at the Chattel Sale, the full amount is due at the time of sale.
The purchaser is responsible for the payment of the NJ Realty Transfer Tax to the County Register.
The Purchaser must sign an Acknowledgement of Purchase and the Conditions of Sale, which includes this page. If the Purchaser fails to comply with any of these Conditions of Sale, the property will be sold a second time and the former Purchaser will be held responsible for all losses and expenses but will receive no benefit from such sale.
Plaintiffs are not allowed to announce their upset price. You must obtain this information from the plaintiff or another outside source prior to the sale.
Please turn your cell phone off or vibrate. If you must take or make a call or need to discuss any matter with another party, please leave the auction room. Talking during the sale is prohibited, learn to whisper.
Legal Notices published for all foreclosure properties can be found at www.njpublicnotices.com.
Bidding is in $5000 minimum increments until the plaintiff stops bidding, then $2000 is the minimum per bid increment until the property is sold to the highest bidder.
The recording of audio, video, or taking photographs at an auction is prohibited without prior written permission.
Sheriff's Foreclosure sales are conducted under the laws and statutes of the State of New Jersey and policies, procedures, and best practices set by the sheriff and are subject to change anytime by the Sheriff.
All properties for sale are listed on our website at www.hudsoncountysheriff.com. This list is as accurate as possible, if changes are made it automatically updates every hour M-F 8-4. The sheriff is not responsible for any information published on any other website or media outlet. Any sales that are not announced today for sale, will be relisted on our website if they were just adjourned. If they are not relisted, then the sales were vacated, settled, and/or canceled.
Sheriff's Foreclosure Business Office is located at 257 Cornelison Avenue, Room 2001, Jersey City, NJ 07302. Hours of operation are from Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, except holidays. Phone 201-795-6300 Ext: 7233 or 7312; Fax 201-369-4333 All Foreclosure/Auction Sales are now held twice a month at the Courthouse at 595 Newark Avenue, Jury Room 400 (4th Floor), Jersey City, NJ 07306
The Sheriff requires all, bidders and attendees to behave in an appropriate, business-professional manner at all times, and those acting loud, disrespectful, or disorderly may be removed or banned from attending current or future sales.
Soliciting, passing out sales information, or distributing business cards is strictly prohibited on court property.
Purchasers of real property at the Foreclosure Sale SHALL NOT go to the property they purchased immediately after the sale to engage with the foreclosed former owner and/ or tenants or to otherwise attempt to gain access to the premises. Their rights in the property do not vest until they have a signed and recorded Deed. At that point, the purchaser would be able to apply for a Writ of Possession / Eviction.
NJ A5664, signed into effect January 12th, 2024, established the Community Wealth Preservation Program expanding access for certain buyers to purchase property from sheriff's sales. All properties sold utilizing this program are sold subject to the HCSO A5664 Conditions of Sale. Additional information regarding our Sheriff's Sales can be found at the HCSO website. We strongly encourage you to thoroughly read through all requirements and conditions of sale, and further reach out to our office with any questions or concerns.
Pre-registration can be completed at 257 Cornelison Avenue, Rm 2001, Jersey City, NJ.
Per the requirements set forth in NJ A5664, the following documents must be provided to the Sheriff's Office in order to purchase property at the Sheriff's Sale utilizing the Community Wealth Preservation Program. Please be advised these parties are listed in the correct order of the right of refusal. If the purchaser fails to provide the following documents by the time of sale the Sheriff shall resell the property without further notice by public advertisement.
Please be advised the utilization of this program shall exclude those purchasing property for investment purposes.
All purchasers are subject to further conditions set forth in the aforementioned legislation. Failure to abide by said conditions may be punishable by fines.
Our office strongly suggests you notify us if you plan to utilize the program.
We suggest you read all the requirements posted on this website prior to utilizing this program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
1. Named Defendant:
A defendant utilizing this program will not have to competitively bid for the property. Under this bill they are able to purchase the property for the pre-sale upset price, or the upset price provided on the day of sale; whichever is less. Please come prepared with the following:
Photo ID & Second form of ID presented at the time of sale
Pre-Approval (If financing)
Per NJ A5664, if you choose to advise our office that you plan to finance this purchase, you must provide our office with a pre-approval letter advising that you are pre-approved for the original upset price listed in the publication notice.
A 3.5 % deposit of the purchase price is required in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check.
Upon registration, the defendant must sign a certification confirming they meet the criteria to be eligible to utilize the program.
*Caveat: In the event of more than one defendant, the county shall accept the certification of such defendant in order of fully compliant presentation to the county.
2. Named Defendant's Next of Kin:
A defendant's next of kin utilizing this program will not have to competitively bid for the property. Under this bill they are able to purchase the property for the pre-sale upset price, or the upset price provided the day of sale; whichever is less. If more than one eligible person appears at the Sheriff's sale to utilize their right of refusal under this party, our office must accept first right of refusal from the individual that registered or signed-in to sales first. A pre registration bidder form can be found on our website. Please come prepared with the following:
Official document proving kinship of a named defendant on the writ of execution in the form of:
Surrogate Document from the Hudson County Surrogate’s Office.
Court Document
Photo ID & Second form of ID
Pre-Approval (financing)
​Per NJ A5664, if you choose to advise our office that you plan to finance this purchase, you must provide our office with a pre-approval letter advising that you are pre-approved for the original upset price listed in the publication notice.
A 3.5 % deposit of the purchase price is required in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check
Upon registration, the defendant’s next of kin must sign a certification confirming they meet the criteria
to be eligible to utilize the program.
*Caveat: In the event of more than one defendant’s next of kin, the county shall accept the certification of such defendant’s next of kin in order of fully compliant presentation to the county.
3. Tenant:
An individual identifying as a tenant of the foreclosed property will not have to competitively bid for the property. A valid tenant with intent to purchase must provide the following:
Photo ID & Second form ID matching in Name and Address.
Proof of tenancy for a minimum of one year.
Proof they are not in arrears of rent payments.
The following documents are acceptable as proof:
Copy of a valid lease agreement
Checking or Saving account statement from a bank or credit union issued at least 60 days prior to registration
Utility Bill in tenant’s name proving residency
Notarized letter signed by the landlord listed on a valid lease. It must clearly state they have received all rent payments due by the terms of the lease and that the tenant appearing is not in arrears
HUD Certificate: Proof of having completed, or proof of enrollment for, 8 hours of homebuyer education and counseling through HUD certified counseling agency
Pre-Approval (lf financing)
Per NJ AS664, if you choose to advise our office that you plan to finance this purchase, you must provide our office with a pre-approval letter advising that you are pre-approved for the original upset price listed in the publication notice.
A 3.5 % deposit of the purchase price is required in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check.
*Caveat: In the event of more than one tenant, the county shall accept the certification of such tenant in order of fully compliant presentation to the county.
4. Non-Profit Community Development Corporation:
A non-profit corporation seeking to participate in this program will not have to competitively bid on the property. A non-profit corporation with the intent to purchase must provide:
Their most recent form 1023 filing provided to the United States Internal Revenue Service, stating the corporation's mission includes community revitalization and the creation or preservation of affordable housing through restoration of vacant and abandoned property.
If the non-profit corporation is entering an agreement with any of the previous parties mentioned above, they must provide that agreement in writing.
A 3.5 % deposit of the purchase price is required in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check.
*Caveat: In the event of more than one non-profit corporation, the county shall accept the certification of such non-profit corporation in order of fully compliant presentation to the county.
5. Bidder Residing at Property for 84 mo. Minimum:
An individual(s) planning to reside in the property for a minimum of 84 mos. may participate in the bidding process of a Sheriff's sale upon providing the following documents:
Photo ID
HUD Certificate: Proof of having completed, or proof of enrollment for, 8 hours of homebuyer education and counseling through HUD certified counseling agency
Pre-Approval (lf financing)
Per NJ A5664, if you choose to advise our office that you plan to finance this purchase, you must provide our office with a pre-approval letter advising that you are pre-approved for the original upset price listed in the publication notice.
A 3.5% deposit of the purchase price is required in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check.
*Subject to monitoring by the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office.
*Subject to penalties outlined in Assembly Bill No. 5664.
The conditions of sale of land, made today, by Frank X. Schillari, Sheriff of Hudson County, New Jersey, by virtue of an execution issued out of the Superior Court of New Jersey, at the suit of the below-mentioned Plaintiff(s) against the below-mentioned Defendants(s).
All properties are subject to Legislative Bill A5664 and subsequently signed into law, establishing the "Community Wealth Preservation Program," and expanding access for certain buyers to purchase property through Sheriff's Sales.
All properties are subject to the order of the right of refusal of those eligible in the aforementioned statute.
The purchaser must pay 3.5% of the upset price in a certified check, cashier's check, or treasurer's check.
The balance is to be paid within 90 business days from the date of sale with lawful interest calculated on the 60th business day after the sale until the balance is paid.
If the purchaser fails to comply with any of the conditions of sale, the property will be sold a second time, and the former purchaser being held responsible for all losses and expenses. The deposit is to be retained by the Sheriff to be disbursed by court order.
Sold subject to restrictions of record which are unknown to the Sheriff and unpaid taxes or assessments and such state of facts as an accurate survey would disclose.
A deed, prepared by the plaintiff's counsel, shall be delivered to the purchaser within 90 business days from the date of sale, with lawful interest calculated on the balance due, from the 60th business day after sale, until the balance is paid.
Immediately upon conclusion of the sale, should the successful bidder fail to sign the conditions of sale and pay the 3.5% deposit as required herein, the Sheriff shall resell the property without further notice by public advertisement.
If the purchaser intends to assign the bid to an entity that differs from that provided upon registration and/or check-in, the purchaser must provide the Sheriff with a filed assignment of bid in order to obtain the Sheriff's deed.​
You may not have to lose your home. The first step towards getting assistance is to seek help from a free HUD-certified housing counselor. A counselor will assess your current situation and advise you of your available options. Call the Waterfront Project for assistance at (551) 256-7578.
To search for other agencies, please visit www.hud.gov or call (888) 955-4673. Phone-based counseling is available in 170 languages.
Affordable Refinancing: If you have a stable income, the following agencies may be able to assist you:
Stabilizing Urban Neighborhoods (SUN) (855) 604-4463 www.bostoncommunitycapital.org (Free to apply)
NJ Mortgage Finance Agency (HMFA) (855) 647-7700 www.njhousing.gov/foreclosure (Free to apply)
Download the Foreclosure Assistance Brochure by clicking here.
Free HUD-certified counseling
Affordable apartments and homes in Hudson County can be found through www.nj.gov/njhrc/find/